...了各种最小板厚(表4.2) 端横隔梁 10 主梁梁肋 4.1 受弯构件的截面形式和构造三、 梁的纵向钢筋(Longitudinal reinforcement)梁内钢筋的组成:纵向受力钢筋主钢筋、弯起钢筋或斜钢筋、箍筋、架立筋、水平纵向钢筋 11 4.1 受弯构件的截面形式和构造 三、 梁...
longitudinal reinforcement ratio 纵筋率
the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement 纵筋配筋率
Ski with longitudinal reinforcement 发明名称
ratio of longitudinal reinforcement 纵向配筋率 ; 纵向钢筋配筋率
longitudinal reinforcement system 纵向加固体系
longitudinal reinforcement strain 纵筋应变
torsion longitudinal reinforcement 受扭纵筋
Based on meeting the requirements of flexural strength, the effects made by ratio of longitudinal reinforcement on deflection and maximum value of crack width are analyzed.
The parameters in the aeries include: amount of longitudinal reinforcement, amount of transverse reinforcement, shear span-to-depth ratio, thickness of tube wall and strength of concrete.
The additional transverse reinforcement should be uniformly distributed in the anchorage zone and the spacing of bars should not exceed 5 times the diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement.