...使命召唤4), Stranglehold, Guitar Hero III(吉他英雄3), Beautiful Katamari(美丽的 块魂), Lost Odyssey(失落的奥德塞), NBA Live 08, Mass Effect(质量效应), Fatal Inertia(致命惯性), Medal of Honor Airborne(荣誉勋章 空降兵), Tiger Woo...
Lost Odyssey Prima Guide 失落的奥德赛
Ray Nakazato: All the voice-overs in Lost Odyssey are performed by professional voice actors. We recorded all English voices in Los Angeles.
IGN: From what we've played of Blue Dragon, it takes a while to pick up the pace in terms of story and how open the game is. Will the same be true of Lost Odyssey or will the pacing be different?
And I can only assume that that is precisely the point, that Milton would -- later in 1667 when Paradise Lost is published, he would make his poem canonical just like The Iliad and just like The Odyssey and The Aeneid before anyone had actually read it.