低碳生活(low carbon living)是一种低开支、低能量、低消耗的生活方式,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放。简单理解,低碳生活其实就是返璞归真的人类活动。
低碳糊口(low carbon living)是跟着此刻环保事业的连续成长,而步入人们视阈的1个新颖辞汇,简而言之,就是一种绿色彩环保的糊口体式格局,路程经过过程本身在...
Promote low carbon living 倡行低碳生活
Low-carbon Living 低碳生活
Low-carbon living every day 低碳生活每一天
It is promoting low-carbon living 人们提倡低碳生活
Our low-carbon living 我们低碳生活吧
a low-carbon living 低碳糊口
Meet low carbon living 很符合低碳生活
Currently, my school is launching an activity whose theme is that actions change the world to advocate the low carbon living.
So doctors are increasingly determined to do something to prevent global warming, particularly as the health benefits of low carbon living are huge.
The oil-rich United Arab Emirates is the last place you would expect to learn lessons on low-carbon living, but the emerging eco-city of Masdar could teach the world.
阿联酋储油丰富竟然要过低碳生活,这是任何人预料不到的。 但是正在建造的马斯达生态城将会告诉你一切。