Low temperature impact toughness 低温韧性; 低温冲击韧性; 低温冲击韧度 收藏 Low impact toughness 低温韧性 收藏 .
Advanced high strength after quenching and tempering has good mechanical properties and low temperature impact toughness.
The quenched and tempered steel WH80Q offers high strength, excellent low temperature impact toughness, lamellar tearing resistance and lower aging sensitivity factor.
舞钢研制开发的调质钢wh80 Q具有高强度、良好的低温冲击韧性、抗层状撕裂性能、较低的时效敏感性系数。
The existence and amount of small isolated martensite between the acicular ferrite play an important role in determining the tensile strength and low temperature impact toughness of the steels.