make-up remover 卸装乳 ; 卸妆 ; 卸妆产品 ; 卸装液
Biocils Waterproof Eye Make-up Remover 眼部卸妆水
Gentle Action Make-up Remover 温和卸妆露 ; 温顺卸妆露
Gentle Eye Make Up Remover 温和眼部卸妆液 ; 香熏眼部卸妆水 ; 温柔的眼部卸妆
Instant Eye Make-up Remover 即时眼部卸妆露 ; 即时眼部卸妆液 ; 娇韵诗即时眼部卸妆露
Eye Make-up Remover 清爽补湿卸妆液 ; 眼部卸妆保湿液 ; 玫瑰精华眼部卸妆液 ; 双重眼唇卸妆液
Camomile Gentle Eye Make-up Remover 甘菊眼部温和卸妆液 ; 甘菊舒缓眼部卸妆液 ; 甘菊眼部卸妆液
Best eye make up remover 最佳眼部卸妆液
Soothing Eye Make Up Remover 眼部卸妆者哩 ; 卸妆舒缓眼部化妆 ; 舒缓眼部卸妆 ; 怡人眼剂
It also comes off very easily with make up remover which is fantastic because not all mascaras are like that.
Remove all make up: Gently remove all make-up with make-up remover towelettes or a cotton pad soaked with olive oil.
Just remember to shake your make-up remover (if it contains oils) before decanting it.