Les Fleurs du mal 恶之花 ; 恶之华 ; 罪恶之花 ; 唱片名
MAL 甲基丙烯醛 ; 马累 ; 麦勒 ; 蛋白
grand mal 大发作 ; [内科] 癫痫大发作 ; 又称大发作 ; 大发作型癫痫
mal-nutrition 营养不良 ; 养分不良
mal-function 功能紊乱 ; 功效杂乱 ; 失常 ; 出现故障
petit mal 小发作 ; [内科] 癫痫小发作 ; 小发生
Fleurs Du Mal 恶之花 ; 恶之华 ; 娇艳的花朵 ; 萨拉布莱曼
Mal stud fittings 端直通管接头 ; 端纵贯管接头
erst mal 第一次
以上来源于: WordNet
PREFIX Mal- is added to words in order to form new words which describe things that are bad or unpleasant, or that are unsuccessful or imperfect. 用于构词,表示“坏的”、“不好的”或“不成功的”
Forty percent of the population is suffering from malnutrition.
The animals were seriously maltreated.
The problem has been that there has been increasing mal-distribution of wealth.
The ballet "La fille mal gardée" contains a well-known clog dance.
Plant Michael Ballack eigentlich, das Team in Köln mal zu besuchen?
And this report also mentioned that half of...almost half of India's children 3 to 5 years...under 3 to 5 years old are mal-nourished? -Yes.
Both people would rather be at an equilibrium than to be mal-coordinated or uncoordinated, but Player 1 wants to go to Bourne ultimatum and Player 2 wants to go to Good Shepherd, and actually I thought Nina's strategy there was pretty good.
First, let's talk about malnutrition. Now usually that concept gets used to talk about too little nutrition, but in fact, if you consider mal to mean poor rather than too little, and poor nutrition can really get manifested as under-nutrition, over-nutrition, or just unhealthy eating in general.