Results Transcranial Doppler had sensitivity of 88.3% (mean flow velocity) and 92.6% (systolic peak flow velocity) with specificity of 97.3% to detect the mild stenosis of carotid artery.
结果经颅多普勒检测颈动脉轻度狭窄平均流速的敏感性为88.3%,收缩期峰流速的敏感性为92 . 6 %,特异性为97.3%。
Conclusions: It present a new way to differentiate unilateral renal ectopy and nephrospasis by measuring the changes of mean peak-systolic flow velocity of renal artery in these patients.
结论:肾缺如、肾异位、肾游走患者肾动脉血流峰值流速的改变,为肾缺如、肾异位、肾游走的 鉴别诊断提供了新的依据。