... meddle in 干涉 hang in there 忍耐一下;坚持下去 hands-off 不干涉的;不插手的 ...
... 多管闲事者 kibitzer 干预, 管闲事 meddle in 管闲事的人 busybody ...
... 干涉,过盈 interference 干涉,搅和 meddle in 干涉,介入 influence in; interference in ...
women meddle in politics 牝鸡牡鸣 ; 牝鸡司晨
like to meddle in affairs 多管闲事
meddle in everything 到处插一脚
meddle in judicial cases 干预司法
to meddle in one's affairs 干预他人事务
Meddle And Intervene In 插手干预
influence in , interfere in/with
He had no right to meddle in her affairs.
They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs.
Already some people are asking whether scientists have any right to meddle in such matters.
But regardless, Mr Krishna says, India does not (any longer) meddle in the affairs of its neighbours.
ECONOMIST: Wary of China, India tries to charm its neighbours
If you meddle in it or engage in it, then you're going to go back out again.
BBC: The Blairs in conversation
If Mr Byers is determined to meddle in competition decisions, he should not make claims to the contrary.
ECONOMIST: Stephen Byers is making a mess of competition policy