tympanic membrane rupture 鼓膜破裂
rupture membrane 防爆膜
premature rupture of fetal membrane 胎膜早破 ; 破裂称为胎膜早破 ; 探讨胎膜早破
preterm Premature rupture of membrane 周胎膜早破性早产 ; 足月前胎膜早破 ; 为未足月胎膜早破
rupture of membrane 胎膜破裂 ; 膜破裂 ; 破膜
traumatic rupture of tympanic membrane 鼓膜外伤性破裂
Objective To explore the protect effects of tympanic membrane rupture on the inner ear after blast exposure.
This finding, in association with a decrease of amniotic fluid volume, may be attributed to early amniotic membrane rupture as the primary event in the pathogenesis of body stalk anomaly.
When cells and viruses are cooled, their membranes often change suddenly - similar to the way water molecules reorganize during freezing - and this can rupture the membrane and kill the cell.