mere exposure effect 单纯曝光效果 ; 曝光效应 ; 纯粹接触效应 ; 单纯曝光效应
The Mere Exposure Effect 简单曝光效应 ; 纯粹接触效应
mere exposure effect mee 简单暴露效应
Theories of Mere Exposure Effect 简单暴露效应的理论模型
以上来源于: WordNet
Over time, you can get to know them and they'll become comfortable with you from the mere-exposure effect.
The mere-exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them.
The mere exposure to luxury goods can have a corrosive effect on decision-making that pushes individuals to put their interests over those of others, a Harvard Business School study has found.