... 金山词霸在线词典 Merriam-Webster OnLine Dictionary 洪恩在线双向词典 Net Dictionary 细胞生物学在线词典 Dictionary on line ...
以前也用过啊,今天用韦伯字典网(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)的时候运行ActiveX控件,如果没有安装可以下一个安装上,如果安装了还不能正常运行 韦伯字典的发音是英式英语还是美式英语?
3、 英-英 在线辞典(Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary):All animals are changed by it。以上由---提供。
A quick look in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary provides four different definitions of virtualization's root word, virtual.
快速浏览Merriam - Webster在线词典中虚拟化词根virtual的4个不同定义。
The primary definition in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary says, "The discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation."
排在第一位的是韦氏(Merriam-Webster)网上词典 3中的解释,“一门关于判断什么是好什么是坏,以及道德义务和道德责任的学科”。
Let's begin by defining what I mean by master and masterpiece. The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 1 has several definitions for master; in our discussion, all three of the definitions below apply.