两个通用安全模块的设计与实现|计算机毕业设计|计算机毕业论文 关键词: 身份认证;消息摘要;DES;SSL;加密;解密 [gap=1306]Key words: authentication; Message-digest; DES; SSL; Encryption; Decryption
Message Digest 信息摘要 ; 邮件文摘 ; 报文摘要 ; 消息摘要
Message Digest Algorithms 报文摘要算法
Message Digest and Digital Signatures 数字摘要与数字签名
MD5 message-digest MD5信息摘要
Message Digest 5 消息摘要
area x authentication message-digest 针对区域做密文认证
The MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm MD4信息分类算法
The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm MD5信息分类算法
Studied the basic skills of information security, cryptography and introduces the basic concepts of encryption and message digest algorithm.
参考来源 - 软件保护技术研究与设计Digital signature is a non-repudiatible, encrypted version of the message digest extracted from the data.
参考来源 - 可自恢复的数字图像认证研究Hash function the basic idea is the message digest as input a message such as a compact that used to uniquely identify the message.
参考来源 - SHAPublic key cryptography, combined with the traditional symmetric cryptograph and the message digest technology, can provide confidentiality, integrity and proof of origin. It’s the foundation of many secure applications.
参考来源 - 认证中心的设计与实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
If any one character of a message is changed, then up to half of the message digest changes.
Algorithm Type defines whether the cryptography algorithm is symmetric, asymmetric, or a message digest.
To produce a message digest, you need a scrambling mechanism.