Methyl mercury [有化] 甲基汞
Methyl mercury poisoning 日本水俣病
Chronic Methyl-mercury Poisoning 慢性甲基汞中毒
Called Methyl Mercury 所谓甲基汞
Methyl mercury Standard 甲基汞标准溶液
fetal methyl mercury syndrome 胎儿甲基汞综合征
Lobster hepatopancreas methyl-mercury 龙虾肝胰腺中微量元素和甲基汞
methyl mercury acetate 醋乙酸甲基汞 ; 乙酸甲基汞
The excretion of methyl mercury becomes very difficult because of high enterohepatic circulation and reabsorption by proximal convoluted tubule.
Thiomersal, however, contains ethyl mercury, not methyl mercury, and ethyl and methyl mercury are quite different.
Expert consultation and data presented to GACVS indicate that the pharmacokinetic profile of ethyl mercury is substantially different to that of methyl mercury.