医疗体育对中老年女性的健身作用-(体育疗法) 关键词】 医疗体育; 有氧运动;中老年女性 [gap=1081]Key words】 Physical Therepy;Aerobic exercise;Middle and Aged Women
The middle and aged women 中老年女性
middle aged and aged women 中老年妇女
middle and old-aged women 中老年女子
This paper aims to prove the impact of Aerobics on the middle and aged women, based on document, experiment, observation and data analysis.
Study on the correlations between serum estrogen level and heart function of coronary heart disease and the evaluation of exercise test in the middle and aged women.
Objective To provide data for decision-making and community nutrition intervention for middle and aged women, the dietary patterns and nutritional status were investigated in Shanghai.
目的: 了解上海社区中老年妇女的膳食模式和营养现况,为社区开展针对性的膳食和营养干预及决策制定提供依据。