... the affairs of state 国家大事 minister of state 国务部长[大臣; 国务大臣 state minister 国务部长; 国务大臣 ...
minister of state industry 国家工业部长
minister of state enterprises 国家企业部长
minister of state farms 国营农场部长
minister of state control 国家监察部长
minister of state security 国家安全部长
Imperial Minister of State 光禄大夫
minister of state for energy 能源国务部长
以上来源于: WordNet
N (in the British Parliament) a minister, usually below cabinet rank, appointed to assist a senior minister with heavy responsibilities (英国议会的)国务大臣
Mr. Chabouillet is the secretary of the Minister of State.
In that circumstance, as minister of state, His-Liang played an irreplaceable role in advancing education to a new stage.
"But the money spent on junk food can reforest the entire equatorial belt," said Rachmat Witoelar, the minister of state for environment in Indonesia.
“但是花在垃圾食品上的钱就可以在整个赤道圈植树造林”印度尼西亚环境部长Rachmat Witoelar表示。
The State of Law coalition of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki took an early lead.
VOA: special.2010.03.13
Prime Minister Singh is asking state government to win the battle for the "hearts" of these poor communities.
VOA: standard.2009.11.04
His sword is presented to heads of state, as Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez did in April to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
VOA: standard.2010.06.09