Model Updating Method 模型修正方法
dynamic model updating 动力模型修正
FE model updating 有限元模型修正
fem model updating 有限元模型建立
Model updating theory 模型修正理论
model updating methods 模型修正法
The SI issue proposes a more severe challengeto damage detection and model updating algorithms.
参考来源 - 海洋平台结构物损伤检测与模型修正方法研究Fourthly, the continuous ACO algorithm is applied to the structural model updating and structural damage detection.
参考来源 - 基于蚁群算法的结构损伤检测The Hausdorff measure that incorporates both location and orientation information is used in model matching and model updating process in the techniques. A high efficient searching strategy in location object in a image has also been proposed.
参考来源 - 基于种子填充的snake模型对象提取与跟踪·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
And the FEM is further updated by response sensitivity based model updating method.
The modal vector reduction, error localization and model updating methods are approached.
In this paper, the model validation and its relevant issues are discussed with respect to the model updating technique.