Moisture Control 湿度控制 ; 水分控制 ; 含水率控制 ; [气象] 湿度调节
Coal Moisture Control 煤调湿 ; 焦炉入炉煤水分控制 ; 技术 ; 煤调湿技术
automatic moisture control 湿度自动调节
moisture control equipment 调湿装置
moisture control performance 调湿性能
neutron source moisture control 中子测水分
Moisture in Control 保潮湿肤霜 ; 保湿润肤霜
mix moisture control 混合料水分控制
cd moisture control 横向水分控制
For example, control heat, air and moisture leakage by sealing Windows and doors.
The practice results show that it is notable effect for this method to control moisture of cut stem, stability and precision to be improved and advanced.
To ensure subgrade compaction, we must resolve the choice of subgrade soil, moisture control, shop soil thickness control and detection of degree of compaction work.