因为她已经怀孕20周,所以应该重新开始使用锂剂(这时已经过了致畸危险期),或者使用另外的情绪稳定剂(mood stabiliser)。在妊娠期间要尽量避开使用抗癫痫情绪稳定剂,如卡马西平和丙戊酸钠,因为它们存在的致畸危险可以延续到妊娠前3个月之后。
I am finally taking medicine that suits me - an upper (anti-depressant), a downer (anti-psychotic) and a mood stabiliser (lithium) - and am more attuned to my symptoms.
RESULTS: At 4 weeks postpartum and prior to the initiation of mood stabiliser therapy, 19% of women with postpartum psychosis had AITD compared with only 5% in the control group.
结果: 产后4周及之前,就开始情绪稳定治疗,产后精神异常的妇女中有19%患AITD,而控制组只有5%。