刚体的运动( Motion of Rigid Body ) 1. 刚体(Rigid Body) 受力时大小和形状保持不变的物体; 质量连续分布的质量元,受力时各质元之间的 相对位置不变。
plane motion of rigid body 刚体平面运动
Basic Motion of Rigid Body 刚体的基本运动
Rotational Motion of Rigid Body 刚体的转动运动
Simple Motion of Rigid-body 第六章
general motion of rigid body 刚体一般运动
helical motion of rigid body 刚体螺旋运动
The pattern solution of the plane motion of rigid body with complex number method is provided.
The theorem of Projections of accelerations of plane motion of rigid body is derived in this paper. Some applications of this theorem are given as examples.
A integrated equation set for solving plane parallel motion of rigid body was derived, and the conditions of system of forces simplified on the center of mass plane was discussed.