...泵功能)•血管张力(后负荷)–纠正酸碱紊乱及电解质紊乱–呼吸机辅助呼吸–抗生素预防感染•心肌保护(myocardial protection):心内直视手术时减少心肌缺血缺氧造成损害的措施与方法。
...kocyte depleted blood cardioplegia;myocardial protection;fatty acid binding protein;myeloperoxidase; 去白细胞心脏停搏液;心肌保护;脂肪酸结合蛋白;髓过氧化物酶; She was sick at the sight of the blood.
Delayed myocardial protection 延迟性心肌保护
endogenous myocardial protection 内源性心肌保护
early myocardial protection 早期心肌保护作用
myocardial protection effect 心肌保护作用
myocardial protection effects 心肌保护作用
myocardial protection methods 心肌保护方法
modified myocardial protection 改良式心肌保护
ischemic myocardial protection 心肌缺血保护
immature myocardial protection 未成熟心肌保护
Background and Objective The heart arrest and myocardial protection of young infants is always the focus problem during the open heart operation.
研究背景及目的 长期以来,婴幼儿心肌保护一直是心脏外科领域倍受关注的课题。
参考来源 - 婴幼儿体外循环一体化综合性心肌保护应用研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Retrograde coronary sinus perfusion was a feasible approach for myocardial protection.
OBJECTIVE To retrospect the myocardial protection during open heart surgery on infants.
To evaluate the effect of continuous retrograde cold blood cardioplegia on myocardial protection.