英语竞赛内容-1 ... 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的 adj comfortable 评论 n comment 交际;传达(感情,信息等) v communicate ...
Answer: you can always turn off global logging by setting global_logging to N. However, if you want to shave every millisecond from your stored procedure's execution time, comment out all CALL DB2.
解答:可以通过将global_logging设置成n来全局地关闭日志功能。然而,如果希望节省存储过程执行时的每一毫秒的时间,那么在确信SQL - PL和外部存储过程都已经准备好之后,就可以注释掉所有的CALL DB2。
I would post a link but my comment will probably get scrubbed by this Is r ae l friendly outfit. a simple google search will reveal the truth about our"ally" n her history of selling secrets to China.