JQuery.Gantt(甘特图) 开发指南 ... name null String 每一行最左侧的一列以粗体显示 desc null String 每一行左侧第二列 values null Array 甘特图日期范围项 ...
If you omit a table name (that is, you specify NULL or an empty string), information is returned for all tables in the schema specified.
If the schema is NULL or the empty string, the procedure restores the schema to the name from where it was backed up.
packageName: The name of the package that will contain the EGL build file.(if this is null or an empty string, the default package will be used)
将包含这个EGL构建文件的包的名称(如果是 null 或者空的字符串,将使用默认的包)