给警察惹麻烦 » Makes the trouble to the police 需要配置的设备 » Need to configure the device 操作系统怎么知道什么时候从一个程序转到另一个程序呢?
If you want to configure the X Window System for your analog device, you need to install and run the Xautoconfig package like this.
如果您希望为自己的模拟设备配置X Window System,就需要按照下面的方式来安装并运行xautoconfig包。
To configure Tivoli Access Manager integration with the DataPower device, only a few steps need to be done.
要配置Tivoli Access Manager与DataPower设备的集成,只需几个步骤即可完成。
Additionally, you need to configure the headset's PIN with BlueZ on the Linux device.