...enue State)和高原州(Plateau State),原中北部州改建为卡杜纳州(Kaduna State)、原西北部州被分为尼日尔州(Niger State)和索科托州(Sokoto State),原东北部州被分为包奇州(Bauchi State)、博尔诺州(Borno State)和贡戈拉州(Gongola State) ,...
“Even if you gave the population there the land, they do not have the means to develop it, nor does the state,” said Abou Sow, the executive director of Office du Niger.
Port Harcourt, capital of Rivers state, is the urban hub of the Niger Delta, where the creeks contain the bulk of Nigeria's vast oil and gas reserves, the biggest in Africa.
In Mali, about three million acres along the Niger River and its inland delta are controlled by a state-run trust called the Office du Niger.