...实时业务; 非实时业务; 双队列; 马尔科夫链 [gap=856]Key words : handoff ; real-time service ; non real-time service ; a double queues ; Markov chain ...
non-real-time polling service 非实时轮询服务 ; 非实时查询服务 ; 询服务 ; 非实时轮询业务
We then created an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), assigned it to the variable bit rate non-real-time ATM service category, and configured a sustained cell rate of 6 Mbps.
我们创建了一个AT M永久虚拟电路(PVC),然后分配了可变的速率到非实时atm服务类别,并且配置了6 Mbps的持续信元速率。
How to ensure the hard real time, the high availability and the "non stop" service are key problems in dual systems.
The FAX service in MUX is non real time one, which is implemented by means of store&forward. The implementation of FIU should be deeply considered the compatibility issue with other fax machines.