...that's much more than i was prepared to pay 超出我准备支付的价格太多了 not a penny more 不能在多一分了 can you indicate to me the quantity you're like to order? 你能告诉我你想定多少吗?
Mrs. Pheebe: All right. I go up to 115 yuan, but not a penny more. Is that acceptable?
菲比:嗯,大家各让一步,我出115元, —分钱也不能再多了。可以接受吗?
Republicans claim they will not agree on a penny less than $61 billion, which is too little for some more aggressive freshmen.
共和党声称,即使比610亿美元少一分钱,他们也不会同意。 这个数目对一些更具雄心的众议院新议员来说太少了。
For them, a few people won more than two weeks of sleepless nights the project, they have not only not a penny of reward, not even a thank you, they even became the unsung heroes.