... 纸币兑现 change bank notes for coin 纸币发行 note issue 纸币发行的伸缩限度 elastic limit ...
...营业 intervention currency 干涉干与钱币 treasury bond 财务部内债 pickup in price 货物的价格上涨 note issue 纸钱儿刊行量 volatility 颠簸 diversification 多元化 ..
security for note issue 发行纸币的保证物
limit on bank-note issue 限制钞票发行额
note issue monopoly 货币发行垄断制
fiduciary note issue 靠信用发行的货币
note-issue 人民币发行
bank note issue [金融] 银行券发行
Note Issue Facility 票据发行便利
issue note [工经] 发料单
note-issue monopoly 货币发行垄断制
Is note issue in Japan controlled by the Bank of Japan?
另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是 纸币与硬币的 发行。
The overnight repo rate, 7-day repo rate and bank note issue rate are the major reference rates of China monetary market.
In 1425 the note issue was valued at only slightly more than 1 percent of its face value; by 1450 it had fallen to less than one-tenth of 1 percent of face value.
It did not have a government monopoly on note issue but over the time it became the prime issuer of U.K. notes.
We've centralized the note issue in the United States starting in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Board so your notes that you see are called Federal Reserve Notes.
When you start getting inversion, "what note is it,what chord is it, " that obfuscates the issue.