Suddenly, I was kicked back into reality. The vision was over, and I was back in the kitchen. Sadie was staring at me with her wide brown eyes, looking like she was in a state of shock. Now that I noticed, it seemed that everybody was staring at me.
I had noticed earlier that the town of Orono had been painting crosswalks that day, and now realized they'd left their damn traffic cones all over the place.
I may be imagining this, but I think I've also noticed I have less gas now that I'm eating mindfully.
Now I noticed that people seemed keener to talk to me than before, and not just about medical matters.
Now, if I was a person that was designing a vaccine and I noticed that this was the response that it got, that antibodies were produced, they reached some intermediate level, they started to fall, I would say, "Well I haven't stimulated the immune system enough, let me re-boost, let me give another dose of antigen."