O' Henry 最喜欢的作家
O Henry 亨利 ; 欧亨利 ; 最后一片藤叶
Short Stories of O Henry 欧·亨利短篇小说选
O Henry Used Three 欧亨利使用三个
Doug O Henry 标签
O' Henry Ending 欧•亨利式结尾
Henry O 欧·亨利 ; 亨利·欧 ; 亨利欧
The writer O. Henry was famous for surprise endings, not wordplay, though a pun could be considered a surprise ending for a sentence.
1956 and onward: Fellowships and O. Henry Awards and lecturing invitations and grants (including $8, 000 from the Ford Foundation).
I hope we can know O. Henry-the distinguished American fictionist - more well through this tractate.