OLE技术可以满足用户在一个文档中加入不同格式数据的需要、对象嵌入(Object Embed)、OLE自动化(OLE automation)和OLE控件。OLE对象是指由支持OLE技术的应用程.
Object link and embed 对象连接与嵌入
Embed Object 嵌入对象
Object Link Embed 对象链接与嵌入 ; 支持对象链接与嵌入
Replace embed with object 嵌入标签换成对象标签
You've been seeing the embed code of a Flash object for years, but as Listing 1 shows, lengthy exposure doesn't make it any less complex.
While the author doesn't know of a recent write-up on their use, read this 2002 comparison of object and embed by Damian Cugley, that also mentions the other three alternatives.
尽管作者不知道最近涌现了很多文章介绍这些元素的使用,我们还是值得一读这篇由Damian Cugley写于2002年、比较对象和嵌入的文章,文章中还提到了其他3种替代物。
To run the Flex application in a browser, all you need to do is embed an object tag to an HTML page.