Ramada Inn Ocean Shores WA 华美达维景湾畔酒店
Ocean Shores Inn & Suites 套房酒店
Ocean Shores Resort 海岸度假村
Ocean Shores Convention Center 会议中心
Ocean Shores Motel 海湾汽车旅馆
Ocean Shores Video Limited 海岸录影有限公司
Grande Shores Ocean Resorts Condominiums 肖尔斯海洋大度假公寓
The coastguard bases rescue units along the ocean shores.
Glasgow is on the same latitude as Moscow but because it is close to the warm Atlantic Ocean shores and lies in the path of a prevailing westerly wind, it has a significantly more moderate climate.
Between the shores of Me and Thee there is the loud ocean, my own surging self, which I long to cross.