... 几个西红柿 » Several tomato 出名的某个人 » Of a certain individual 主人我来保护你 » Master I to protect your ...
Princessfish are a species of coral-reef fish that are captured alive by divers who first stun the individual fish by squirting a certain poison at them.
A much-studied property of individual hippocampal neurons in rats is their striking ability to hone activity to certain places – known as place-cell firing.
The reason why we want more technology is that every individual human has a certain God-given set of talents that require things like technology in order to be expressed.
Rather than thinking of a teacher necessarily, one can think of an individual acts more like a mentor or coach in certain settings.
Or what - and often it's not going to be just one gene, it's going to be combinations of genes, and how do you predict the fate of the individual based on all of the genes that you know to be involved in progression of a certain disease.