“Okay a year” Dad said walking over to the table but after a year you go to school I f it's not working out” I held out my hand to him.
Over the course of a year, I donated, consigned, or gave away Stuff about eight times, slowly weaning myself from things I never used, realizing it was okay to let go.
整整一年,我捐赠衣物、托人代售、甚至把东西送给别人,送了八次。 慢慢地,我把自己从来不用东西都处理掉了,我发觉送走这些物品之后感觉还不错。
Although, they had the best record in the league this year, a lot of people like, 'Okay, they havin' a great year, but we don't know if they can win the championship. '.
The distance you okay? In the distant yearning, the change in my appearance, no change is always love your heart! Lover, I really wish you a Happy New year!
Okay, in Edinburgh, they have every year, every summer, they have a massive festival of theatre.