...织需求(Misreading the group needs)步骤简单(步骤简单(Poor Pacing))练习的遗漏(练习的遗漏(Omission of Practice)奇怪和令人困惑的言行表现(奇怪和令人困惑的言行表现(Odd or distracting Visuals or Verbals)对问题把握不准(对问题把握...
Theseriousomissionoflegal system in enterprisetrusteeshipisthebasicreasonofdifferentobstaclesexists in practice, and also the reason that we have toseekthe administrationhelp.
The brothers face five charges of engaging in a commercial practice which is a misleading action and three charges of engaging in a commercial practice which is a misleading omission.