... formatting toolbar 格式化工具列; 格式化工具条 on screen formatting 幕上格式化 paragraph formatting 段落格式 ...
Will remove formatting codes and send the manual page to the chmod.txt file instead of showing it on your screen.
将会移除格式代码并将指南页发送到chmod . txt文件,而不会在屏幕上显示指南页。
Both systems convert the documents to a format that's easily viewed on the smaller hand-held screen while retaining the content and formatting.
RTF uses the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), PC-8, Macintosh, or IBM PC character set to control the representation and formatting of a document, both on the screen and in print.
RTF使用美国国家标准化组织(ANSI),PC-8,Macintosh,或IBM PC的字符集来控制文档的外观和格式,不管文档是显示在屏幕上还是从打印机打印出来。