... nominal variables 名义变量 open-market operations 公开市场操作 Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲线 ...
... Fixed Money-Supply Effect 固定货币供给效应 Open-Market Operations 公开市场业务 Unemployment Benefits 失业救济 ...
... 公开市场价值 open market value 公开市场买卖 open market operation; open-market operations 公开市场票据 open market paper ...
open market operations 公开市场操作 ; 公开市场活动 ; 公开市场业务 ; 公开市场经营
reliance on open-market operations 依赖公开市场操作
haha open market operations 公开市场活动
Permanent Open Market Operations 永久性公开市场操作
the open market operations 公开市场业务
defensive open market operations 防御性公开市场操作
instrument for open market operations 公开市场业务活动的手段
reliance e on open-market operations 依赖公开市场操作
open-market e operations 公开市场操作
N-PLURAL the purchase and sale on the open market of government securities by the Bank of England for the purpose of regulating the supply of money and credit to the economy 英格兰银行对政府债券在公开市场的买卖; 以管制货币供给并增强经济 [finance]
However, at that point, it would still be true that open-market operations involving reserves and bills would not matter.
In addition to slashing interest rates, the central bank has been buying bank bonds through its open-market operations to help bring down interest rates.
The Fed's open market operations are not at all neutral in allocating credit.