其他产力异常 Other abnormalities of forces of labour 不完全性其他流产,无并发症 Other abortion incomplete 眼的其他疾病 Other abscess of pharynx ..
Other abortion, incomplete, without complication 其他流产,不完全性,无并发症
Other abortion, incomplete, with other and unspecified complications 其他流产,不完全性,伴有其他和未特指的并发症
Other abortion, incomplete, complicated by delayed or excessive hemorrhage 其他流产,不完全性,并发延迟或过度出血
Medical abortion, incomplete, with other and unspecified complications 医疗性流产,不完全性,伴有其他和未特指的并发症
Unspecified abortion, incomplete, with other and unspecified complications 未特指的不完全性流产,伴有其他和未特指的并发症
Spontaneous abortion, incomplete, with other and unspecified complications 自然流产,不完全性,伴有其他和未特指的并发症