休闲的一般意义,一是解除身体疲劳,获得生理和谐;二是营造心灵空间,得到精神慰藉。户外运动(outdoor sports)是在自然场地举行的一组集体项目群。其中包括登山、攀岩、悬崖速降、在野外露营、野炊、定向运动、溪流、探险等项目。
户外活动(Outdoor sports),即走落发门的活动户外活动包含登山、攀岩、露营、郊游、探洞、漂流、滑雪、骑马、脚踏车、肩包自助观光等近几年,户外活动在神...
I like outdoor sports 我喜欢户外运动 ; 我喜欢在户外运动
I love outdoor sports 我喜欢在户外运动 ; 我喜欢户外运动
Do more outdoor sports 多做户外运动
Participate in outdoor sports 参加户外运动
Outdoor Sports Union 户外运动联盟
winter outdoor sports 冬季户外运动
They do outdoor sports 他们正在做户外运动
Many to outdoor sports 多到室外运动
More to outdoor sports 多到室外运动
The network community and the students’ community of the outdoor sports have become the important forms of organizations.
参考来源 - 户外运动的理论与实践研究Since 20 century the late of 80s’ Outdoor Sports come to China from European and American countries. After about 20 years’ slowly development, Outdoor Sports are developing quicKly.
参考来源 - 从外国户外用品的发展探讨我国K户外用品公司的发展战略·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress