...正付出赔款,往往需要一段期间,倘若发生争议诉讼,将可能达到数年之久,故对某一会计期间而言,其未决赔款(Outstanding claims)多半包含了跨越数个不35 同会计年度的赔款,因此,产险公司为表达其责任,应有提存赔款准备金之需要。
... 未决赔款准备金 outstanding loss reserve 未决索赔 outstanding claims 未决索赔准备金 outstanding claims reserve ...
... 有问题的,未解决的,可争论的 at question 未解决的赔款 outstanding claims 未解决的请求 outstanding request ...
outstanding claims advance 未决索赔通知 ; 预先提存未决赔款 ; 预先提存未决索赔
Outstanding Claims Reserve 未决赔款准备金 ; 未决索赔准备金
outstanding claims and liabilities 未了债务
number of outstanding claims 未决赔付件数
Outstanding Claims Provision 未决申索准备金
outstanding claims accounts 未决赔款账项
Outstanding Claims Reserves 索赔准备金
claims outstanding 未决申索
Abstract: This paper pointed out that there were problems of delayed recognition and impreciseness of incurred and reported outstanding claims reserves under the current management mode.
Wurth's rights include, but are not limited to, the right to refuse payment, provided wurth still has outstanding claims against the supplier resulting from incomplete or defective goods or services.