overarm pass 上手传球
overarm support 撑杆支架
overarm set 上手二传
double overarm 两臂同时划水
side overarm 侧泳
double overarm back-stroke 双臂仰泳
Overarm length 外臂长 ; 手臂上端的长度
overarm pa 上手传球
overarm method 肩上投掷法
同义词: overhand overhanded
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ You use overarm to describe actions, such as throwing a ball, in which you stretch your arm over your shoulder. 举手过肩的 [ADJ n]
...a single overarm stroke.
To add rigidity, braces are sometimes fastened from the overarm to the knee.
Pigeons :they will land on the balance overarm , making the clown hard to control balance.
And the next, "of waves," met a dream-like sweet girls, but "sweetheart" seems not so sweet... but also very choking and always give him an overarm throw!