... 美国加州大学伯克利分校 (California Institute of Technology US) 英国剑桥大学 (Oxford University UK) 美国麻省理工学院 (Cambridge University UK) ...
California Institute of Technology US 加州理工大学 Oxford University UK 牛津大学 Cambridge University UK 剑桥大学 ..
... California Institute of Technology US 美国加州理工学院 Oxford University UK 英国牛津大学 Cambridge University UK 英国剑桥大学 ...
The research was funded by Cancer Research UK, the University of Oxford, the Camilla Samuel Fund, and the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
这项研究得到了英国癌症研究中心(Cancer Research UK)、牛津大学、卡米拉基金会(Camilla Samuel Fund)和MD安德森癌症中心资助。
To understand the frustration, imagine that a password database is like a bike in an area prone to high levels of bike theft — a university town such as Oxford, UK.
Scientists from Oxford University say greater junk food consumption has contributed to a rise in violence, UK media reported.