... oxygen-blown converter ==> 吹氧转炉 oxygen-breathing apparatus ==> 氧气设备 oxygen-charging station ==> 充氧站 ...
oxygen breathing apparatus 氧气呼吸器 ; 输氧呼吸器 ; 氧气面具 ; 吸氧器
self-contained oxygen breathing apparatus 自给式氧气呼吸器
oba oxygen breathing apparatus 吸氧装置
Proto oxygen breathing apparatus set 布鲁图氧气呼吸器套具
closed circuit oxygen breathing apparatus 闭式回路混合气自携式水下呼吸器
semi-closed circuit helium-oxygen breathing apparatus 半闭式回路氦氧呼吸器
Personnel, including rescue workers, should not enter areas where the oxygen concentration is below19.5%, unless provided with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) or airline respirator.
Mitochondria of cells in the breathing apparatus, through the consumption of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide.