test paper building 试卷生成
decorated building paper 建筑装饰用纸
test paper building system 试卷生成系统
reinforced building paper 增强建筑用纸 ; 增强修建用纸
On Building a Paper Factory 关于兴建造纸厂
building paper and board 建筑用纸和纸板
Building paper [建] 建筑用纸
building g paper 建筑用纸 ; 防潮纸
Building a Paper Factory 兴建造纸厂
They are thought up in an office building and given life on a piece of paper.
The first is the allowances given to companies in the five dirty industries covered by the ETS (electricity, oil, metals, building materials and paper).
Sort through a pile of paper that's been building up for the past few weeks. Recycle or scan – try to get it down to less than half.
Northern Rock was a British building society that was investing in subprime paper in the U.S.