用Objective-C的术语来说,这叫做“传递消息”(pass a message)。消息有“名称”(name)或者“选择子”(selector),也可以接受参数,而且可能还有返回值。
Of course the spawned thread can pass a message back to its parent thread.
Autrey began shouting at straphangers to be quiet so he could pass a message to his kids.
I was ready to lose the game and leave Old Trafford with a smile just to pass a message of confidence.
It means anybody using that little function get float doesn't have to worry about what's inside of it. So for example, I decide I want to change the message I print out, I don't have to change the function, I just pass in a different parameter.
As we talk about this, as people talk about this, in the context of our object-oriented programming, they typically will talk about it in terms of message pass, a message passing metaphor.