书中创见性地将 维持和平细分为:制造和平(Peacemaking)、维持和平(Peacekeeping)、实施 和平(Peace enforcing)、建设和平(Peacebuilding)及保障和平的武力介入 (Protective engagement),由此将维和在概念...
Peacekeeping Operations 维持和平行动 ; 维和行动
peacekeeping officers and soldiers 维和官兵
Earth Sphere Federation Peacekeeping Force 地球联邦维和军
international peacekeeping 国际维和
peacekeeping level-II hospital 维和二级医院
Chinese peacekeeping police 中国维和警察
peacekeeping officer 维和官兵
N-UNCOUNT A peacekeeping force is a group of soldiers that is sent to a country where there is war or fighting, in order to try to prevent more violence. Peacekeeping forces are usually made up of troops from several different countries. 维持和平 [usu N n]
...the possibilities of a UN peacekeeping force monitoring the ceasefire in the country.