...手段她的萍踪踏遍酒吧、剧院、旅社,后来碰到了军衔官佐贝隆,她才脱颖而出,成为当时阿根廷炙手可热的人士(person of the hour)这里的big apple也暗示大人士,不过它更常用来指纽约 "大"老是
"An average person, "Roach explains, "will, during the peak flatulence period, pass anywhere from one to almost three cups of flatus per hour."
The telephone directory gave me the name of the one person capable of passing on the information. He lived in a suburb of Fenton, less than half an hour away by train.
The length of time a person can wear a heel depends on the individual - a good rule of thumb is not to wear any shoe for more than an hour after your feet start to hurt.