TOTAL Petrochemicals 道达尔石化 ; 道达尔石化公司 ; 道达尔 ; 道达尔石化有限公司
K-Dow Petrochemicals 科陶石化
Advances in Fine Petrochemicals 精细石油化工进展 ; 化工科技 ; 编辑部电子信箱更换启事
Shell Eastern Petrochemicals Complex 蚬壳东方石化综合项目 ; 壳牌东方石化综合项目 ; 蚬壳东方石化综合厂
Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals 石油炼制与化工 ; 上海化学工业区正式启动
CNOOC & Shell Petrochemicals 壳牌 ; 中海
In view of the above analysis, this study further points out that Xinjiang's oil industry development trends: the development of the upstream oil market; development oilfield services and petrochemicals; development of oil associated gas recovery; trend of oil environmental protection.
参考来源 - 新疆石油工业发展问题研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT Petrochemicals are chemicals that are obtained from petroleum or natural gas. 石油化工产品 [usu pl]
Petrochemicals such as dyes, fertilizer, and plastic are also manufactured from the petroleum.
The two main classes of petrochemicals are olefins and aromatics.
That would free up a lot of gas for export—or for turning into petrochemicals.