公布 中文名称:测光系统 英文名称:photometric system 定义:为使测光结果稳定和便于比较,对测光所用设备、器件和方法作出种种特殊规定。每种规定决定一个测光系统。 应用学科: 天文学(一级学科);天体物理(二级
photometric data system 测光数据仪
photometric system detail 测光系统
Daga photometric system Daga 光度系统
camera inner photometric system 照相机的内测光系统
Direct quick photometric system 直接快速光度法
Johnson-Morgan photometric system 约翰逊
dual photometric stereo system dps系统
Latex Photometric Immunoassy System 乳胶光密度免疫方法
以上来源于: WordNet
The system error of infrared photometric measurement on the saturation temperature and supersaturation of crystal magma were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed.
Based on this principle, a method is described in this paper of measuring OTF of an optical system by means of scanning photometric microscope eyepices.
The whole system was calibrated by standard lamp with the standard transferred from the national primary photometric and colorimetric standard.