pick-up device 集束卷绕装置 ; 成像器件 ; 图像传感器 ; 成像器材
Image pick-up Device 图像传感器 ; 成像器件 ; 红外防水一体化摄像机
linear image pick-up device 线性电视摄像机 ; 线性摄像器件
magnetic pick-up device 电磁拾音器
non storage pick up device 无存储摄象装置
ccd pick-up device ccd摄象器件
Balls Pick-Up Device 集球装置
magnetic pick up device 电磁拾音装置
Indeed, Mr. Prance's new device can pick up the trace of a heartbeat from a metre away.
事实上,Prance 先生的新设备可以在一米之外捕捉到心跳的痕迹。
Ideally a user should be able to alter some data with one device, pick up another device, and instantly see their changes.
When a device fails, other devices pick up the load with little or no interruption.