行星状星云(planetary nebula,PN)是质量小于8倍太阳质量的恒星演化到生命晚期,逐渐膨胀成红巨星阶段时,外层大气物质向太空逐渐扩张的结果,通常呈现同心圆状...
bipolar planetary nebula 双极行星状星云 ; 行星状星云
proto-planetary nebula 原行星状星云 ; 原始行星状星云
The Rotten Egg Planetary Nebula 行星状星云
pre-planetary nebula 前行星状星云
bipolar r planetary nebula 双极行星状星云
Planetary nebula luminosity function 行星状星云亮度函数
以上来源于: WordNet
N an expanding shell of gas surrounding a dying star, formed from matter ejected from the star's outer layers; the gas is ionized by the remaining hot stellar core, emitting light in the process 行星状星云